Seesaw: Parent Communication

Guest post by Elizabeth Schoenecker, Instructional Tech Team, RS Rep. 

Have you been using Seesaw for assessment and communication with parents? The first step in Seesaw is to take pictures and send them to parents. Even the simplest routines in your day can be exciting for parents to see their kids-their babies!- throughout the week. The next step that our kindergarten team has taken is to take pictures of our students' sight word assessments. We teach our sight words in sets of 10, then informally assess them each week, giving kids a dauber "dab" when they know a word by sight. We then snap a picture of that card and send it to the student's grown up, so they can see the progress they've made in school. Sometimes parents see that what their child shows in school is different from what they are seeing at home when working on sight words, which can be a conversation point at conferences as well. If you are nervous to have your kids start sending photos home to parents, this is a great way to get started. Once you are familiar with using the photos tool, you will feel more comfortable showing your students what to do. 

Seesaw can do so many things! Parent communication, planned activities that go with your curriculum, and even full lessons. Our Seesaw for School subscription allows us to access many extra features. If you would like more ideas on how to have your kids using Seesaw, contact me at

Shawn Brandt
Director of Technology Integration | | 952.758.1709

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