Google Classroom: End-of-Year

What should I do with my Google Classrooms at the end of the year? 

The longer you teach, the more Google Classroom archives, folders, assignments, and calendars you will accumulate. Review the following tips to get organized and prepared for the start of next school year. 

Tip #1: Do NOT create new classes for next school year.
Similar to GoGuardian, your Google Classroom classes and rosters will sync with Infinite Campus and Clever. Classes will generate automatically and students will be auto-enrolled. You will be able to "Accept" your new classes in August.

Tip #2: Do NOT delete or archive your current classes.
All Google Classroom classes will be archived automatically on August 1st, 2023. This will allow summer school classes to complete. To view an archived class, go to the Google Classroom menu > Archived Classes.

Tip #3: Include the school year in the class Section field.
This is a recommendation I make at the beginning of the year for all Google Classroom classes. Including the school year makes it easier to identify and find a specific class from your archives. If you didn't do it at the start of the year, do it now.

Tip #4: Want to "Reuse" assignment posts?... Label as TEMPLATE.
If you want to "Reuse" assignment posts for the same course next school year, include the word TEMPLATE in the Class Name field. This will help you find the correct archived class to Reuse assignment posts.

Tip #5: Organize your Google Drive > Classroom folder.
For every Google Classroom you create, a new Google Drive folder is automatically created. I recommend sorting these folders into school year folders (i.e., 19-20, 20-21, 21-22, etc.).

Tip #6: Delete ALL the Google Classroom calendars.
Similar to the Google Drive folders, every Google Classroom automatically receives a Google Calendar. Unfortunately, the class remains in your Google Calendar list even after the class is archived. I recommend deleting each of these calendars at the end of the school year.

Watch the video tutorial to see each tip demonstrated.

Shawn Brandt
Director of Technology Integration | | 952.758.1709

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