Parents love seeing photos of their own kids, especially when they are at school and away from them. As teachers, we are responsible for sharing these photos in a way that is secure. The first step is to check Infinite Campus to see if any of your students have a red flag asking for no photos to be shared. If you must share a photo with that student in it, use an emoji or an editing tool to block out the child's face. (Ask your ITT rep if you need help with this.) When taking photos, no student names or identifiable information should be in view.
The next step is to choose the best tool for the job, knowing that the pictures should be stored in a private location. For Seesaw users, this would be the best way to share with parents. You can take photos right in the app, or upload 10 images at a time. For older students, the best tool for the job would be Google Drive. Create a folder (and even folders within folders of certain events) and share that folder link directly with parents. Another idea would be to remind parents that these photos are for them to view and not to share on social media, because we don't know each parents' preference. While it is exciting to share everything that is going on in your classroom, we want to do it safely.
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