TikTok is one of the newest apps that has grown in popularity over the past few years. While many associate TikTok with dances and funny videos, the platform is reshaping the way people consume news, raise awareness, and market new products. Teaching students how to create short, informational videos using a TikTok format will not only teach valuable creation skills, it will also prepare them to effectively communicate in the digital future.
For a classroom TikTok project, I recommend using the platform Flip. It has many of the same editing features as TikTok and allows students to use both their phones and the web-based platform to create videos. Unlike TikTok, Flip gives teachers certain safety and privacy settings, making student projects private. This Tip Sheet or this video will help you get started in Flip.
While planning for a video project, you will want to consider the parameters students need to follow. This might include The purpose of the video, the length of the video, the audience, or the amount of information needed. I highly recommend these tips from educational technology guru Holly Clark. To scaffold student learning and guide them through the creation process, I recommend using a planning template. The best template I’ve found also comes from Holly Clark’s blog. This template could easily be used to teach the speech-writing process or help student summarize their research for a particular Science or Social Studies Topic. As you plan for end-of-the-year projects, I hope you consider giving Flip a try.
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