Google Chrome: Password Manager

Usernames and passwords are a necessary component to keep your online information safe, but remembering of all your passwords can be difficult. Many staff members and students use Google's built-in Password Manager to save their passwords for a variety of websites. You can use Password Manager to:

    • Create and save strong, unique passwords
    • Protect all your saved passwords
    • Automatically fill in passwords

Although this is a safe and secure tool, it does not prevent your accounts from being stolen. Password Manager offers additional security protection by:

    • Suggesting strong, unique passwords
    • Notifying you about unsafe passwords
    • Helping block unauthorized access

The Google Chrome Password Checkup tool will also scan to see if passwords in your Google Account may have been exposed, are weak, or are used in multiple accounts. Then, you can change any unsafe passwords to keep your accounts more secure.

Shawn Brandt
Director of Technology Integration | | 952.758.1709

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