Students: Organize Google Drive

Guest post by Jim Kongshaug, Instructional Technology Team, EV Rep. 

As the school year draws closer to the last day, organization of materials is something to consider. Teachers will likely file away lessons and materials to be reused next school year. For students, this might be finding a place to store their device and charger while it hibernates over summer. Our Google Drive is a frequently used tool by students and staff. It is an often cluttered tool full of untitled documents and projects that were started with good intentions.

Something to consider is showing students how to create a folder specific to the grade level they are completing. Show them how to open those untitled documents, give them a title if it is something they would like to keep, and then demonstrate how to move or delete the file. Students can create a portfolio of their work that will follow them through the grades and offer them the opportunity to see how their interests and skills change over the years. This organizational piece will also help set them up for greater success in future grades as they will not have to go through hundreds of untitled documents looking for a specific assignment. Use this TIP Sheet as a guide.

If you have any questions about how to create folders, title documents, or anything else within Google Drive or applicable programs, contact your building's ITT member for support!

Shawn Brandt
Director of Technology Integration | | 952.758.1709

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